Greytip Software Pvt Ltd. Apps

greytHR Employee Portal 4.8.9
greytHR Employee Portal lets employees viewtheir payroll or leave information and initiate a number ofactivities like applying for leave, leave cancellation, etc. Nowget all your employee portal work done on the move.NOTE: Your company needs to be on the greytHR platform for you toget access to the portal. Check with your HR department for furtherinformation.
greytHR Office Locator 1.1.5
greytHR provides a facility for mobile attendance markingbyemployees. In order to sign-in the employee must be present inavalid office location. An office location is identified byitsgeo-fence (a circle of a certain radius centered on specificGPScoordinates.) greytHR Office Locator app is an utility to assistinthe configuration of office location geo-fences, From thegreytHRweb application, the administrator creates a location entryOTP andshares it via SMS or email. Use this app along with the OTP(accesscode) to register a new office location that is bound toyourgreytHR account. The selected office GPS cooordinates, radiusandlocation name are uploaded to the greytHR application.
greytHR Employee Portal (Attendance Marking) 0.10.10
greytHR Employee Portal lets employees view their payroll orleaveinformation and initiate a number of activities like applyingforleave, leave cancellation, etc. Now get all your employeeportalwork done on the move. NOTE: 1. You need an android phonewithversion Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or above. 2. Your company needstobe on the greytHR platform for you to get access to theportal.Check with your HR department for further information.
greytHR Visage 1.6.2
An attendance marking app based on Facial recognition technology